Hello! We are Genia, Aileen, Beatriz, Anne, Sophie, and Yanina, all contemporary artists from different parts of the world. We created Space For ART in 2019 because of a shared passion for culture and a mutual desire to grow a vibrant art collective in Sant Pere de Ribes.

Our artistic practices span the media of photography, painting, sculpture, video projection, installation, dance and performance. Our studio is a place for us to create our work, and to hold exhibitions and events, but it is also a place to inspire our local community and to provide the support for others to connect to their own creativity.

We believe in the power of community and a new paradigm for creative culture.

Get inspired, ignite your mind, and rekindle your creativity!

Space for Art workshops for kids and adults
We have prepared for you and your kids variety of art workshops to boost your creativity and skills
New events are here!
Come and join us for exciting events we prepared for you for this Spring!

At Space for Art we believe everyone is creative.

Come and get creative with us!

Painting by Aileen Hamilton
Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Feel free to write us or come and visit

MON - FRI : 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

If you would like to visit us in the studio, please contact us at: spaceforart.bcn@gmail.com

C/ Mare de Deu de Montserrat 83, Local Derecha
Sant Pere de Ribes, 08810
Barcelona, Spain
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